Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bagels Are Hot!

The obvious way to celebrate the return of a good friend from Tanzania is to throw a bagel party. Who put those bagels there? We did! Bronx worthy. I would not recommend it without a mixing mo-chine (fire engine red preferably). If one more person asks us if we threw out the "hole" I will cry.
- F. Seahorse & S. Mangosteen

Tiny Violins for Tiny Fiddleheads

Why do I feel like a baby killer harvesting fiddleheads? Fiddleheads are the veal of the forest. Regardless of moral dilemmas we ate those tender whips along a mound of hunted oyster mushrooms. Canada says, "Fiddleheads should then be cooked in boiling water for 15 minutes or steamed for 10 to 12 minutes until tender." due to toxicity, aka baby killer revenge. We survived the first spring forage!
- F. Seahorse and S. Mangosteen