Saturday, November 13, 2010

And we're done . . .

Sorry for any technical difficulties with this last blog entry (we preemptively uploaded a crappy quality video to YouTube and have rectified the situation) We look like much better photographers now!

Obviously we kind of sucked at blogging about Nepal. I had lots to say about the vast Milky Way galaxy of stars and the sweet echos of "nameste" on the trail but Mike was the one who just plain-old-refused to spend any of his time reunited with his computer, blogging. Instead, we (read:I) put together this video of photos to capture the three weeks of walking, which likely tells the story better than words. It IS 9 minutes long, not really long enough to warrant popcorn but maybe best not watched at work (there is music). Check it out here:

We're on to the next adventure: the wild crazy ride to weddingville . . . will we blog about that too? Everybody has got wedding websites these days! whoop! We'll never find the end of the Internet, never.

- S. Mangosteen