Sunday, July 25, 2010

Breakfast Words of Wisdom

And is it possible we haven't posted any food photos? Let's start with breakfast. This is one of the most common breakfasts in India; Idli (fermented and steamed rice lentil flying saucers), Vada (a savory fried donut) Coconut chutney and sambar (spicy soup). It's not for everyone but we dig it.
There I am at 7:30am, sitting in a cloud having morning chai and idli. What you can't see in the photo is the crowd of gangly teenage boys sharing our table . . . or the phrase printed on our Lipton chai cup: "When your outgo exceeds your income, then your upkeep is your downfall". Ah, India.

- S. Mangosteen and F. Seahorse


  1. Looks like a great first weekend for your India 2010 adventure.
    Thanks for posting the pics, Kristin : )

  2. Yummy! I love fermented foods! Kenke . . .
    Kimchi . . Kombucha . . .sourdough!! Loves

  3. Peg and PJ thinks it sounds like a great breakfast we are on our way over!!
