Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nandi Hills

Sounds jolly, no? Nandi means bull but it really ought to be called Monkey Hills cause those lovable little mini humans were everywhere. Just a wild two hour bus ride out of the smog of Bangalore there is fresh air and lush gardens.

There were temples and blabla bla but let's get to the monkeys. People like monkeys as much as dogs and babies right? And there is no need to explain because their irresistible allure is obvious. Here is a SMALL sampling of the monkey photos I took. Can you believe blogger only allows you 6 photos per post. I'm going to need an entirely different post for breakfast!
- S. Mangosteen


  1. They are sooo cute!! Love your blog keep it coming.

    Miss You Guys,

  2. Hi
    I really Found that Ur blog is so lovely.Very tremendous photography.I like it.thanks
