Monday, July 12, 2010

Outdoor Adventure Camp

As it turns out, India is a weird place. For example, I just ate a bean and spinach burrito at a restaurant near my apartment. When I say "bean", "spinach" and "burrito, I mean that only approximately. There was no spinach, though broccoli and onions were in the burrito. There were beans, but they were not IN the burrito, they were on the side. And what I thought were dollops of sour cream turned out in fact to be whipped cream. I realize that ordering Western food when abroad is generally a bad idea. I don't know what I was expecting. But I do know that I did not expect whipped cream.

To be fair, eating here has been great. Exhibit A: my dinner last night; 2 mangoes, and 6 mangosteens. At US prices that would be $20 worth of fruit, but here it cost me around $1.25. I also ate masala dosa for both lunch and dinner.

I am quickly finding out that Indian English is a little bit different than American English. This is probably because they picked up the language from the British. For example, a few weekends back I went on a trip organized by the Bangalore Mountaineering Club advertised as "Rock Climbing at Ramnagar", Ramnagar being a famous rock climbing destination. Below is a picture of me "rock climbing".
I know what you are going to say, "That's not rock climbing, that is you on a zipline." You would also probably say that I didn't do any rock climbing at all that day, and that walking for 20 minutes back to the bus is not "trekking". My response would be that you have a very US-centric view of what words mean. Maybe you should stop imposing your western views on the rest of the world.

- F. Seahorse