Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hampi is for Lovers

There are a few places in India that remain mythical in my memory. Hampi is one of those places. Even when you're there you can't be entirely sure it exists. Coconut groves, banana plantations and lush paddies are interrupted only by massive granite boulders, millions of years in the sculpting. During the 15th century the area surrounding Hampi grew to one of the largest Hindu empires in Indian history. The hundreds of remaining temple ruins (several World Heritage sites) only add to the mythical aspect of Hampi.

It's really hard to capture the essence of Hampi in just a few photos and I know looking at photos of temples gets old faster than looking at endless temples in the blazing hot mid-day sun. This 50 meter temple below dominates the area and excitingly enough is covered in nymphs revealing their yonis! I promised to keep this blog PG-13 but like I said, it's India, so sex gets worked in where you least expect it. The carvings below are just a taste of what lies inside so many of these ancient remains.

Now before I loose you, check out this sweet elephant named Lakshmi!!! Indians sure know how to spice things up . . . I mean what tourist could pass up a temple with a resident elephant that hands out blessings? Stick a few rupees in Lakshmi's trunk (SHE prefers bananas) and your blessings are bestowed with a tap on the head by her whiskered trunk.

The last day in Hampi we decided to cover some serious ground on rented bicycles. My pink ride sported the name "Miss India" and had Shiva markings on the wheel. Not far out of town two brothers requested a lift to school (4 km away!) on the rear rack of our bikes. This was another soul shine moment for me. Peddling away in the lush Indian country side, chatting with a tri-lingual boy balanced on the back of my bike. We earned some serious street cred with the locals who saw us ride sharing.

- S. Mangosteen

1 comment:

  1. I think Lakshmi's elephant blessing surely has to be one of my favorite photos : )
