Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rambutans and Monkey Smiles

One day I’ll write a blog in the fashion of Indian style news reporting, where the headline is captivating and has little to do with the content of the article. But today I will title my blog entry in a manner that strictly reflects the content . . . right after I profess my undying love for mangosteens. So plentiful in the fruit stands of Sri Lanka, I sighed my way through a great number of those little fruits, bottomless in my desire to find my next fix. I love you mangosteen! However, one must broaden their tropical fruit horizons, so I allowed myself to be dazzled by rambutan! It’s a grander, spikier cousin to the lichi fruit. Its only failing is that instead of a smooth black pit, at its center lay something akin to an unblanched almond.

Triumphing over ruins and holy mountains were the smiles of the Sri Lankan people! Smiles that make your soul shiny! You’ve seen the bumper sticker: “What if the hokey pokey IS what it’s all about?” no way, SMILING is what it’s all about. A beautiful old man selling rambutans on the side of the road set my smile free. Since my arrival in Bangalore, I was unaware just how caged in hassle my smile had become. But just an hour after landing in the place-formerly-known-as-Ceylon, a beaming fruit vendor speaking in Sinhalese sweet talked my smile right out of its cage. I have no idea what he ACTUALLY said, but I bet it was something like this, “Look at you girl, the city has broken your spirit, look in my eyes, bob your head and let your heart shine!” Thank you Mr. Fruitman.

Oh, and the monkeys. They’re a little different in Sri Lanka too. They can be a bit dodgy when food is involved. Right before snapping this nursing baby shot a monkey ran over to a temple visitor and snatched her lotus flowers right out of her hands and began shoving them into its mouth.

This otha’ monkey apparently grew up watching Oreo commercials, cause he licked the pineapple frosting right off his biscuit before shoving it in his mouth. Yes, the whole purpose of this post was to shamelessly post more monkey photos. - S. Mangosteen

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